Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Task 3
It was December and the weather was very cold. It was snowing all the time and when strong
winter wind started to blow it caused a blizzard.
Children loved this kind of weather - when their parents let them they spent all their time outside making snowmen and playing snowballs.
Older people didn't like snowy weather that much though because of sudden fall of temperature a lot of snow ploughs got broken and people were stuck in snowbanks.
The weatherman said meteorologists don't know when the snow storm will end for sure yet but the precipitation level has already surpassed the normal rate.
So everything was covered with snow and the sky was overcast with clouds.

Children loved this kind of weather - when their parents let them they spent all their time outside making snowmen and playing snowballs.
Older people didn't like snowy weather that much though because of sudden fall of temperature a lot of snow ploughs got broken and people were stuck in snowbanks.
The weatherman said meteorologists don't know when the snow storm will end for sure yet but the precipitation level has already surpassed the normal rate.
So everything was covered with snow and the sky was overcast with clouds.
(116 words)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Minu nimi on Ksenia. Olen 16-aastane, minu sünnipäev on 12. märtsil.
Elan Tallinnas, mis on Eesti pealinn, ja õpin Karjamaa Gümnaasiumis.
Minu vabal ajal ma kuulan muusikat, jalutan sõpradega jne.
Mulle meeldivad vanad filmis nagu "Some Like It Hot" ja "Rear Window". Minu lemmik raamat on "12 tooli".

"Ooperifantoom" (originaalpealkirjaga "The Phantom Of The Opera") on maailmatunduv muusikal romaani "Ooperikummitus" põhjal.

Salapärane hääl räägib ooperlaulja Krisinaga Pariisi Ooperimaja sügavusest.Ainult üks inimene teab, et selle artistide hirmutava hääle omanik on moonutarud muusikageenius, kes armastab Kristinat.
Fantoom maskis teeb kõike selleks, et Kristina sai ooperdiivaks, aga tema konkurent on rikkas Raoul. Kristina peab oma valiku tegema, aga armastus, kirg ja kiivus oma juba otsustanud Kristina asemel.
Tallinnas on võimalik vaadata "Ooperifantoomi" 4., 5., 6. ja 7. detsembril. Piletid alates 400.- krooni.
Elan Tallinnas, mis on Eesti pealinn, ja õpin Karjamaa Gümnaasiumis.
Minu vabal ajal ma kuulan muusikat, jalutan sõpradega jne.
Mulle meeldivad vanad filmis nagu "Some Like It Hot" ja "Rear Window". Minu lemmik raamat on "12 tooli".
"Ooperifantoom" (originaalpealkirjaga "The Phantom Of The Opera") on maailmatunduv muusikal romaani "Ooperikummitus" põhjal.

Salapärane hääl räägib ooperlaulja Krisinaga Pariisi Ooperimaja sügavusest.Ainult üks inimene teab, et selle artistide hirmutava hääle omanik on moonutarud muusikageenius, kes armastab Kristinat.
Fantoom maskis teeb kõike selleks, et Kristina sai ooperdiivaks, aga tema konkurent on rikkas Raoul. Kristina peab oma valiku tegema, aga armastus, kirg ja kiivus oma juba otsustanud Kristina asemel.
Tallinnas on võimalik vaadata "Ooperifantoomi" 4., 5., 6. ja 7. detsembril. Piletid alates 400.- krooni.
eesti keel
Friday, November 7, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Task 1
Hello, I am Ksenia. I live in Tallinn and I am a Karjamaa Gymnasium student.
My birthday is on March 12th.
In my free time I enjoy listening to the music and spending time with friends.
My favorite movies are "Rear Window", "Dancer in the Dark", "Some Like It Hot", "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and many others.
My favorite books are "The Little Prince", "Twelve Chairs" and all books by Max Frei.
Hello, I am Ksenia. I live in Tallinn and I am a Karjamaa Gymnasium student.
My birthday is on March 12th.
In my free time I enjoy listening to the music and spending time with friends.
My favorite movies are "Rear Window", "Dancer in the Dark", "Some Like It Hot", "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and many others.
My favorite books are "The Little Prince", "Twelve Chairs" and all books by Max Frei.